Just move on,shall we?

When I was a flight attendant,in case of turbulance, we were taught that we need to put our own oxygen mask first before helping others. As if we can't save anyone's life if we are not safe. And that can apply to daily life also. I always said to friends when they are upset about their relationship or someone in their life. " Don't worry about someone else too much, you need to look after yourself and your feeling first" Because sometimes you think of anybody else 's feeling but your owns. If you are not truly happy inside how could you be kind to the others. I'm not telling you to be selfish. I mean to look after your mind and not take others's problem as your own. Otherwise you can't help anyone and that's gonna drag you down as well.
Same thing here, I was thinking that if I didn't see this person I wouldn't be able to get through all these trouble in my life. I used to have to ask for advise or opinion from my ex before and share everything that happened in my life. But after I came to realized that no one will be able to be in my life forever. I need to be on my own legs and not rely on anybody. Kind of accept the truth. It released me from the concept that we need someone to "complete" us. I have to start being happy from within not from a person or materials.  We were born alone and die alone. Everyone in life is just come and go. No one stays forever.
As Buddha said life is Tukha(suffering) suffer from birth, suffer from being sick,suffer from dead,suffer from sadness,discomfort body and mind,anger,suffer from being apart from love ones, suffer from being with things /person you dislike, suffer from not having things you desire of. Overall our body and mind are generating Tukha.
When we accept the truth of life, we will see that no one can not make you unhappy. It's you who hurt yourself by keep repeating it over and over in your mind. Life is too short to keep punishing yourself. Why not treat ourselves with respect and love. If someone keeps hurting you or your feeling, why stay? Move on and be happy. We all suppose to live that way.


  1. Gina, I'm truly love your blog and attitude. I wish i could become like half of you.

    Love na
    P Thana

  2. I'm still working on my way still. It's a life time learning but at least we know how to get there. Which is good enough to be a good Buddhist right!


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